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League Growth to Date |
2009 S.T.I.C.K.S Litttle League Baseball 155 baseball players 2010 KCK RBI 315 baseball players 2011 KCK RBI 428 baseball players and 40 softball players 2012 KCK RBI 603 baseball players and 76 softball players |
From the Executive Director: As a child, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to play little league baseball on a competitive level. This was due to the support of a strong single mother and several select individuals in the community who not only recognized my talent, but also took special and direct interest in developing it. Our partnership with Major League the same type of support I received as a child to local youths ages 3 to 18 in Kansas City Kansas and metro surrounding areas. I understand that many inner-city parents are turned off by baseball because of the finances required for the game, but I also am aware that if I am able to minimize player fees, provide the necessary equipment and provide proper fields as well as training facilities, the rewards children experience will last a lifetime. Baseball not only created a financial opportunity for me to receive a college education, but it also helped cultivate a disciplined, determined and secure self-identity. My goal is to guide as many inner-city youth as possible to college by teaching them leadership and the fundamentals of baseball. |
Jr. KCK RBI (12 & Under) |
Jr. KCK RBI Age Divisions T-Ball ~ Roy Tabb Rookie League Ages 3 to 6 Frank White Division Baseball and/or Softball- ages 7 to 9 Kevin Young Division Baseball and/or Softball- ages 10 to 12 |
Jr. KCK RBI serves boys and girls ages 3 to 12. This introductory summer program introduces youth to the fundamentals of baseball and softball. |
Jr. KCK RBI Age Divisions David Segui Division Junior Boys Baseball & Softball - ages 13 to 15 Damian "D" Rolls Division Senior Boys Baseball & Softball - ages 16 to 18 |
Sr. KCK RBI (13 - 18) |
Sr. KCK RBI serves young men and women ages 13 to 18. KCK RBI not only teaches the game of baseball/softball but yet teaches life lessons on and off the field. |
KCK RBI Softball serves girls, ages 3-18. In this program, youth build their softball skills as well as team building, leadership and conflict resolution skills. |
Softball (3 - 18) |
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